+ Finish sprite sheet
        + Finish animations
        + Add kicking animation
        + Add red team
        + Add second skin tone

    + Add 11 players for both team

    + Add a temporary team color selection
        + Only allow player to move/select players of their own color

    + Add a "who's turn" indicator
        + Only allow player whos turn it is to move

    + Let player dive on right click

    + Allow characters to pick up ball
        + temporary: player gets ball by walking over it
        + future: allow player to be able to catch ball too

    + If player has ball, change their animations to have the ball

    + If player crosses into end zone add 7 to score

    + Set up game flow
        + Add four quarters
        + Add turns and pause time and disable movement
            + (turns will not actually contain content yet)

    + Add online feature
        + Choose team name and colors
        + Player name shows under their active player
        + Private game lobbies
        + Set up sending/receiving character information

    + Add in quarterback to throw
        + When cursor hovers qb, aim animation
        + Click and pull back to aim and show trajectory, throws on release

    + Let characters have different animations at different times

    + Let players automatically head toward ball or other characters

    + Able to start a game if two players are in an online game

    + Add a starting position and play
        + temporary: choose from a few preset plays
        + future: Plays can be designed before each play by drawing paths on screen in a short time limit

    + Much much more...

    ** NOTE:
    I am aware that there are many bugs right now. However, because of the way I am planning on coding the game
    going forward, it doesn't make sense to address most of these issues yet. That being said, if you find a bug
    that is not listed below, please notify me and you will be rewarded some how :)

    Some of the known bugs:
    + Going 2 opposite directions still makes character play run animation
    + End zone celebration plays on second key up after entering zone
    + Some issues with the QB hover state
    + All player numbers are the same (the more jersey numbers there are just mean a laggier game for y'all)
    + Characters that aren't currently being played do not have an idle animation
    + When switching characters, they do not reset their animation state
    + Some characters overlap weird depending on their vertical position
    + Clock and some UI elements do not change
    + Ball does not have any purpose
    + Can dance in both end zone, not just the apposing teams'
    + Some spelling and abbreviations
    + Arrow keys do not work (intended to not work but not sure if they should be added?)

    You can report a bug or leave feedback by clicking below:
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